
UTL_SMTP API to send HTML Emails from PL/SQL

Oracle has provided an API UTL_SMTP which can be used to send email from PL/SQL. UTL_SMTP uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) sever to send the emails. To know more about UTL_SMTP API read oracle documentation here.

Below is a sample code snippet to send email using UTL_SMTP API.

v_from VARCHAR2(80)  := '';
v_recipient VARCHAR2(180) := '';
v_recipient2 VARCHAR2(180) := '';
v_subject VARCHAR2(180) := 'Test Email using UTL_SMTP';
v_mail_host VARCHAR2(80):= 'localhost'; --SMTP host name
v_mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;
crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10); --can be replaced by utl_tcp.crlf
v_body VARCHAR2(10000);
v_msg varchar2(1222) := '

Test Message from
This Test Email is sent using UTL_SMTP API
v_mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_mail_host, 25); --25 is SMTP Port Number
utl_smtp.helo(v_mail_conn, v_mail_host);
utl_smtp.mail(v_mail_conn, v_from);
utl_smtp.rcpt(v_mail_conn, v_recipient);
utl_smtp.rcpt(v_mail_conn, v_recipient2);
v_body :=  'Date: ' || TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
'From: ' || v_From || crlf ||
'Subject: '||v_Subject || crlf ||
'To: ' || v_Recipient || crlf ||
'CC: ' || v_Recipient2 || crlf ||v_msg|| '';
utl_smtp.DATA (v_mail_conn, 'MIME-Version: 1.0' || crlf || 'Content-type: text/html' || crlf || v_body );
dbms_output.put_line(SQLCODE ||' - '||SQLERRM);

Now lets get into some inner details of the above code snippet.

SMTP Host Name

v_mail_host VARCHAR2(80):= 'localhost'; --SMTP host name

SMTP host name is the name of the email server which uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) protocol to handle all outgoing e-mail messages. SMTP protocol uses port number 25 to handle out going emails, this is given as input to utl_smtp.open_connection as shown below.

v_mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_mail_host, 25);

How to find SMTP host name?
Execute the following query to findout the SMTP host name of your instance.

 SELECT fscpv.parameter_value,
  fscpt.display_name         ,
   FROM fnd_svc_comp_params_tl fscpt,
  fnd_svc_comp_param_vals fscpv
  WHERE 1              = 1
AND fscpt.display_name = 'Outbound Server Name'
AND fscpt.language     = 'US'
AND fscpt.source_lang  = 'US'
AND fscpt.parameter_id = fscpv.parameter_id;


crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10); --can be replaced by utl_tcp.crlf

chr(13) + chr(10) = new line character.

chr(13) = Carriage Return (moves cursor to leftmost side)
chr(10) = New Line (drops cursor down one line)

So the combination of chr(13) and chr(10) is to create a line break within a string.
In short its just like ‘dbms_output.put_line’.

SMTP Commands

utl_smtp.helo, utl_smtp.mail, utl_smtp.rcpt, etc. are the procedures which call SMTP commands, below are the list of standard SMTP commands and their description.

The above script is for sending HTML emails which is achieved by the following code

utl_smtp.DATA (v_mail_conn, 'MIME-Version: 1.0' || crlf || 'Content-type: text/html' || crlf || v_body );
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